A Colorado Summer

This summer, fresh out of college with my bachelor's degree, I took a position with the Nature Conservancy in Colorado. The internship is on a 100,000 acre cattle and bison ranch located in the San Luis Valley. The ranch is nestled between the mountains and only 15 minutes from the Sand Dunes here. It should be an interesting summer before I head off to California in search of permanent employment. Stay tuned....

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A fantastic week with Brian (Part 2)

So after we spent a few days enjoying ranch life we headed into Boulder. We saw fireworks and live music at Folsom Field for the Fourth of July. Boulder is such a great pedestrian city. We spent most of Wednesday just walking around and window shopping. Then we headed to Denver, checked into a 5 star hotel, and went to see Counting Crows and Goo Goo Dolls at the most amazing venue for a concert ever- Red Rocks Amphitheatre! The picture above does not really do it justice. The Denver skyline glowed in the background and all around were walls of red rock sandstone. It was truly an amazing night and hopefully a good birthday present for Brian, who officially entered his 30's on July 12th (that is what he says although he is really 31 and living in denial!)

The next day we went to the Denver zoo. The babies were plentiful and all the animals charming. I hadn't been to the zoo in ages and I forgot how fun it can be to see young people become educated and enchanted with the wildlife. I have mixed emotions about the idea of caging wild animals, but the zoo is providing education to the public and breeding to endangered animals. Then we went to a local pub for really good food and a funny waitress. Finally we hopped on a plane and headed east to visit my family and attend my brother, Richard's 24th birthday party. He is shirtless in the pic above because it was on the lake and he spent most of the day on a waverunner!

It was definitely a whirlwind week, but worth it!


  • At 6:38 AM, Blogger Brian Kelley said…

    It was more than a good birthday present, baby. It was a wonderful birthday! Not many people get to see Counting Crows at Red Rocks, stay in a five star hotel room, go to the Denver Zoo, eat at Wazee's in Denver, and spend the day with the most beautiful and amazing woman in the world for their birthday. Thank you so much!


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