A Colorado Summer

This summer, fresh out of college with my bachelor's degree, I took a position with the Nature Conservancy in Colorado. The internship is on a 100,000 acre cattle and bison ranch located in the San Luis Valley. The ranch is nestled between the mountains and only 15 minutes from the Sand Dunes here. It should be an interesting summer before I head off to California in search of permanent employment. Stay tuned....

Monday, June 26, 2006


Last week we attended weed mapping training at a ranch called the Bar Ni. It is a privately owned ranch by big business back in Boston. They allow their employees to come out and enjoy the great outdoors for dirt cheap prices. They have a conservation easement, an agreement with TNC about what type of practices can occur on the land, so we got to stay for free. The inn is woodsy and idealic, the people were very friendly with entire families living on and working the ranch, and the food was very tasty! Of course I am so sick of my own cooking at this point that any food I don' t have to prepare is good to me. And free?, even better! The ranch is completely surrounded by erosion resistant volcanic dikes so it appears as if all around you are stone walls. Very beautiful.
On the way back we had to detour through New Mexico due to a wildfire burning across 160, the route we had used to come in to the ranch. No pictures, they didn't want to stop for me (sob sob), but we saw some of the most amazing scenery. Massive golden yellow rock walls stretching as far as the eye can see with turrets and shelves carved into them. It was as if we were driving by geologic castles. Very cool.


  • At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i wish someone could do something about the weeds in my backyard, they are bad right now. i don't use any chemicals so its harder.
    thanks for the postcard. i'm looking forward to meeting you also.


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