A Colorado Summer

This summer, fresh out of college with my bachelor's degree, I took a position with the Nature Conservancy in Colorado. The internship is on a 100,000 acre cattle and bison ranch located in the San Luis Valley. The ranch is nestled between the mountains and only 15 minutes from the Sand Dunes here. It should be an interesting summer before I head off to California in search of permanent employment. Stay tuned....

Sunday, June 18, 2006

UFO WATCHTOWER (This blog is dedicated to Melissa!)

Quite possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen. All of the tourist brochures talk up this UFO watchtower. "Great place to see the weird and wacky things that come through the valley." I expected some towering structure. But this... I was unprepared for this. You could stand on your car and get the same view of the sky! Inside, the slightly kooky lady who runs the place, has all these pictures of supposed UFO's and aliens. I love science fiction nerds. I really do. I think it is entirely possible that their is life on other planets but it doesn't seem logical that it would resemble the image of saucer ships and little green men that Hollywood and sci-fi writers have presented to the world which is what all of her pictures looked like. Plus, if their is life out there, I assure you they have no desire to come to Earth the way we are ruining this planet! They don't want to be here when the planet explodes! www.ufowatchtower.com


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