A Colorado Summer

This summer, fresh out of college with my bachelor's degree, I took a position with the Nature Conservancy in Colorado. The internship is on a 100,000 acre cattle and bison ranch located in the San Luis Valley. The ranch is nestled between the mountains and only 15 minutes from the Sand Dunes here. It should be an interesting summer before I head off to California in search of permanent employment. Stay tuned....

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Chrissy's Pad

So this weekend I went back to Phantom Canyon to renew my wildland firefighting certificate. I did the pack test at 7000 asl elevation, up and down crazy turns, and still passed with a record TNC time. I take very little credit though. I was among a group of about 7 renewing and one of the ladies, Heather, was just raring to go so we all let her set the pace and pushed ourselves to keep up. I was dying afterwards, I will admit. But for having been at this elevation for only 3 weeks, I was pretty proud of myself. They geared me up because they are so desperate for red carded individuals in the valley. Looks like I might see some action this summer too, and this time I will get paid!
Afterwards, Chrissy offered me her spare bedroom so I could chill in Boulder for the night. Her house was pretty awesome. Sometimes I wish I had moved out with a group of friends and experienced living on my own, but I am really glad that my first apartment will be with Brian. I am so excited. We won't have the giant PB jar though. One of her roommates owns his own peanut butter company. Brian and I have already decided he should be the primary decorator. Any of you who have seen my room understand why. I certainly would not be able to come up with something as funky and unique as Chrissy has. That is Kalli's forte. Maybe we will contract her to do up our place!


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